
A World of Blue

There is only one natural dye for blue – indigo. 

Welcome to the world of natural indigo. Follow the production of the dye from the fields of Sindh, Pakistan, through Laos, Indonesia, and Turkey to the famous Pitchi Reddy farm in India. Renowned natural dye experts Noorjehan Bilgrami, Jenny Balfour-Paul, and Harald Böhmer outline the importance of indigo from its manufacture to the pivotal role it has played in the history of textiles and trade. 

This documentary also presents rare footage of the dye process in several unique village contexts: the mountains of Nagaland where direct dyeing is still practiced, the island of Sumba where elaborate ikats are dyed and woven, and in Yogyakarta where exquisite batik is made with indigo blue

Directed by Charllotte Kwon. Written by Charllotte Kwon and Tim McLaughlin, edited by Tim McLaughlin. 

Standard Definition video.


Indigo: A World of Blue